Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter, Auburn, Pageants and Exercise

It's been about 3 weeks since I last posted, but I have been busy like crazy with the kids, Easter prep and work. I will start with what is fresh on my mind and that is the Updyke situation. Harvey Updyke (aka Al from Dadeville) had his prelim hearing in Lee County yesterday afternoon. His lawyer asked prosecutors for a non-jail plea and the prosecution denied. Updyke also has asked for a change of venue because "he fears for his life". This will be important later. After the hearing, he stopped at a gas station to get something to drink and claimed he was assaulted in the parking lot. However, no one witnessed it and Updyke couldn't identify any assailants. He claims he went into the store and asked the clerk where the nearest emergency room was, but the clerk said no one came in asking that. He went to EAMC emergency room and left after doctors told him he wouldn't need stitches and that it was only a scratch. The next day, today, Updyke goes on a local radio show in the afternoon here in B'ham and tells his side of the story. He said he didn't want to come on the radio, yet he did for an hour. He said he didn't do this for publicity and that he was sorry to UA. Note he didn't say he was sorry to Auburn, but only to his family and to UA. Wow, seems really remorseful. Oh, yeah, another thing: his lawyer was in studio during this radio call and kept saying that this was not a confession. Sounded like one to me. Whatever. This story is so bizarre that if it was a movie, I wouldn't watch it because it would be so far-fetched. This guy is crazy and unfortunately, in the eyes of the world, he has lumped everyone in the state with him. He needs to go away and never come back. He said he just wanted to get a rise out of the Auburn people. Well, congrats buddy, you did. Now, you're probably going to jail and are going to be forever known as the tree killer. There are alot of Alabama fans I have read on message boards and on Twitter that are happy that he did this and are making snide remarks toward Auburn. If you are so small and immature to do this, then fine. Enjoy your sad little life of placing all your happiness in a football team that doesn't even know you exist. I pray that one day you find that putting others down is just to compensate for your own insecurities. Grow up!

To completely change the subject, I have started to be more disciplined in my diet and exercising. I am doing a program called Turbulence Training. It is similar to circuit training and has alot of body weight exercises but has some lifting too. It wears me out and does a good job of working multiple muscle groups. I have also started eating better and have cut out most desserts and any drink but water (for a while). I would like to lose about 20 pounds but realistically 10-15 would be nice. It is almost impossible to consistently eat well and exercise when you have 3 kids 4 years old and younger. Also, at 32 it's getting harder to recover. I started on Monday and Tuesday morn I was so sore I could barely walk. Sad, really. Oh well, gotta do something.

My daughter was in a pageant two weeks ago where about 18 girls were in her age group. It was the Magnolia Pageant and there were actually two pageants in one. What I mean is that there were two winners in each age group. Addi won the Miss Magnolia award along with most photogenic. She has such a good time. Two weeks before that, Addi won the Jefferson County division of Little Miss Alabama and is now having her entry fee paid for the Little Miss Alabama state pageant being held in Huntsville in June. She loves doing these things even though they are torture for me to go to. As long as she has fun, we will do them. As soon as she doesn't tho, we will stop. I am not turning this into a Toddlers and Tiaras. She really does like to dress up, so I try to enjoy them.

This Sunday is Easter Sunday and will be the day that most everyone in the US will get up and go to church, regardless if they have gone any other time during the year. Our church is having a service on Saturday night so it won't be so crowded on Sunday and so that guests will be able to get in. We are planning on going on Saturday and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It will be fine, but there is just something about getting up and going to church, esp Easter Sunday. Friday marks the day we celebrate the day Jesus was crucified for our sins, commonly called Good Friday. Something I read this week that really spoke to me: when Jesus was praying in the garden before he was betrayed by Judas, he prayed that "this cup would pass from me, but not my will but Yours be done." I have always thought that Jesus was asking the Father to not allow him to be tortured and killed. This is not the case at all. Jesus, knowing full well what was to happen, was not afraid of dying or of being tortured. Jesus did not want God's full wrath to be placed upon him. He did not want to be separated from God. God turned his back on Jesus as he was dying on the cross, not because He couldn't bear to see His son dying, but because Jesus had taken upon himself the sin for the entire world for all time. That Jesus willfully took upon Himself God's full wrath for every sin shows just how much he loves us. Think about it, your sins are already forgiven. All you have to do is ask for it. Trust in Him to be your Savior and he will fully forgive and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. He will never leave you or disown you. He already knows you better than you know yourself, he created you! This Easter, what better time to trust Christ than now. As this weekend begins, think about what Jesus went through for you and for me. Happy Easter everyone! He is Risen!

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